What can a SIPP invest in?

A SIPP allows you to include a much broader range of investments than standard pension arrangements. Assets held in a SIPP may include stocks and shares, listed investment trusts, gilts and bonds, exchange traded funds, commercial land and commercial property.


The types of assets you can hold in your SIPP ultimately comes down to what your SIPP provider allows, as each individual provider will have their own rules. However, most SIPPs can invest in;

  • Stocks and shares
  • Investment trusts listed on any stock exchange
  • UK government bonds
  • Open ended investment companies recognised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Gilts and bonds
  • Exchange traded funds traded on the London Stock Exchange or other European markets
  • Bank deposit accounts
  • Commercial property
  • Real estate investment trusts listed on any stock exchange
  • Offshore funds

You should check what investment choices a provider offers before opting to open your SIPP with them. It’s also important to note that Low-Cost SIPPs generally have a more limited range of investment options than a Full SIPP, and within a Low-Cost SIPP, you cannot own property directly or invest in offshore funds or unquoted shares. 



CARLTON Bonds are an IFISA provider specialising in fixed term property bonds.

Against a backdrop of low interest rates and a volatile stock market, the IFISA can provide an attractive investment opportunity for experienced investors. 

With the ability to hold peer-to-peer loans and debt-based securities, IFISA investments have the potential to generate higher rates of return than more traditional investment routes for investors with a greater appetite for risk.

To find out more, download our free IFISA guide.

The Innovative Finance ISA Guide