As a high earner, you're likely wanting to maximise the returns your hard earned capital can generate, whilst taking a balanced approach towards investment risk.
The property sector has, for a long time, been a popular way for experienced investors in particular to achieve this.
But in recent times, the likes of direct property development and buy-to-let have diminished in popularity. Many investors have been searching for a way to access the high-yields attainable through the property sector, with a more hands-off approach.
In our comprehensive free guide for experienced investors – An Introduction to Property Bonds – we deliver information on how asset-backed property bonds can provide easy access to the high-yielding property market, offer potentially tax-free returns when Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA)-eligible, and present the opportunity to diversify an investor’s portfolio.
In detail, the guide explores:
How property bonds can provide potentially higher returns against a backdrop of low interest rates
- Why property bonds have increased in popularity, and how they can offer an attractive hands-off approach to the property sector
How investors can get involved with property bonds through tax-efficient methods including the IFISA, SIPP and SSAS pensions
Download your free copy of our guide today to explore the role property bonds could take in your investment portfolio.