How do I invest into CARLTON Bonds?

Experienced investors can invest into CARLTON Bonds using our easy-to-use online platform.


Before choosing to invest into CARLTON Bonds, you should read the Information Memorandum and make sure you fully understand the features of the investment, including the risks. The CARLTON Bonds product is aimed at experienced investors who are classified as either sophisticated or high-net-worth individuals and have the knowledge and experience to make their own investment decisions. Investments are high risk and illiquid, your capital is at risk and returns are not guaranteed.

In order to invest, you must first register your personal details on the online platform. You will then be asked to select your investor classification and undertake an appropriateness test so we can gauge your understanding of the product and any risks surrounding it. We recommend that before you take the test, you read our risk policy - as well as the Information Memorandum. As CARLTON Bonds offers products that are considered complex financial instruments, investors are required to have more experience and knowledge of investments to fully understand the risks that are involved. The appropriateness test consists of 8 multiple choice questions and should only take a few minutes to complete. 

Once you have completed registration - providing you pass the appropriateness test - you will need to choose your preferred bond series, investment term and rate. Please be aware that the rate chosen is not guaranteed and your capital is at risk. Then, you will select your preferred investment method. CARLTON Bonds is eligible for investment via SIPP, SSAS, IFISA or direct.